In an entertaining talk at Molesey Library, Twickenham-based author Robert Irvine told us about his recently published first novel called “A Row of Beans – An llotment Murder Mystery” and the trials and tribulations of getting it in to print.
Robert explained that, when embarking on the novel following his retirement, he had heeded advice to write about what he knew. Hence his decision to set the plot in a church parish on the outskirts of London, as he himself has held many voluntary positions in the Anglican Church, and to locate the murder in an allotment, as he and his wife are keen gardeners.
His central character, detective Alistair MacTavish was also, as Robert explained, developed from a casual holiday acquaintance.
Whilst writing the novel was a challenge in itself, it was as nothing compared to getting it published!
Robert told us about his repeated approaches to literary agents and the depressing litany of rejection slips. Even after having decided eventually to pay for self-publication, the path was by no means an easy one. A duplicitous Mr X ran off with his money, the edited typescript disappeared for months into the hands of a company liquidator, and the first copies off the press were littered with typos and lay-out errors.

Fortunately, things are looking brighter now. Robert told us about his success in selling the book in California and the approaches he has received to turn it into a film or radio play. Undeterred by the problems encountered in publishing his first novel, he is now well into writing his second.
Robert Irvine’s talk was the latest in our popular series of Author Events at Molesey Library. The next one will be held on Tuesday April 28th when we shall welcome Elizabeth Proudman of the Jane Austen Society.
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